Book now

You can make a booking below.
In step “2”, you can indicate the number of people you want to book for andd you can select the choice the room you prefer.

To select the room options, the availability of the rooms on the selected date is taken into account automatically . You will only see the available room(s) after selecting the date. You will always receive a personal confirmation to your reservation request. Your booking is only valid after confirmation of B&B Alegría.

Off course, you can also make a booking via phone 032 (0)494 04 45 45 or email:

See you soon.

  • A pre-payment is not required.
  • Standard paypent happens cash or transfer via banking app at check-out, unless agreed differently.
  • Guests have the option to pay in the B&B with Maestro or credit card like: Visa, Mastercard, American Express). Please note that the promotional rates are only applicable in case of cash payment or via banking app.